مواقع اخرى خدمات الصور الإسلامية فرق منحرفة المكتبة الصوتية
English  Francais  أهل السنة

The Fox that Spoke by the Will of Allah

The Fox that Spoke by the Will of Allah

The Fox that Spoke by the Will of Allah

Uhaban Ibnu ‘Uways was a shepard . One day he took his flock to graze near Madinah. The flock spread out eating and grazing, while he sat on a rock watching and guarding the animals.

Minutes later, a big fox attacked one of the sheep. The fox let out a sound that caught Uhban's attention. He quickly went after the fox waving his stick. The fox ran away letting go of the sheep, which returned to its flock.

Then, the fox looked accusingly at Uhaban Ibnu Awus. By the will of Allah, he said, ”Oh servant of Allah you try to come between me and the sustenance that Allah has provided for me." The shepard's eyes grew wide. He could not believe his ears. He said loudly, "Wonder of wonders, a speaking fox!?"

Then the fox spoke again. He said in eloquent Arabic, "You wonder at this and the Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him, is in the city between palms.” And the fox pointed to Madinah. He said: “The Prophet, tells the people about some of the things that will and will not happen in the future. He calls them to worship Allah alone, but some of them do not follow him."

Uhaban, the shepard became curious and began to wonder about the matter that the fox spoke of regarding the Prophet. He gathered up his flock and went to Makkah where he put the animals in a stable.

Then he went to see the Prophet of Allah. He was excited to hear what the Prophet would say about what occurred.

When Uhban ibnu Awus reached Makkah, he asked about the Honorable Prophet, and he was led to him. Uhban entered the session of the Prophet. He told the Prophet what happened with him and the fox.

The Prophet was very happy to hear this event. He taught Uhban about Islam. Uhban, the shepard, embraced Islam joyfully. He was delighted.

Then, the Prophet told Uhban to tell the people what happened with him. So Uhban started telling people his story. They would say Allahu Akbar, La illaha illa Allah, and Alhamdulillah. Since those events, Uhaban became knowns as “The One who speaks with foxes”.

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